Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Couple of things

- Um, what planet is Bill Norris living on where liberals exclusively 'talk incessently so as to talk over the opponent' ... I mean, I'm assuming he's actually listened to Rush Limbaugh since he's so eager to defend the man. The point is that poor debaters talk over folks and change the subject, and that's something which weaves its way through all ideological circles (though there does appear to be a high concentration of them at Fox News.

- And I'm glad Barbara Stewart wrote this letter seeing how Jerry Haas's column, like most of his works, was tragically ill-informed and deliberately misleading.

- I had heard plans were afoot to incorporate a gas station into the vision for the proposed park-and-ride lot, and it's good to see progress being made on that front. The whole proposal was frustrating for a variety of reasons ranging from the difficulties in finding a suitable location to former Rep. Max Burns literally forcing the project on the community in the place of other ones that were more desirable. Still, this is an example of doing the best you can to make it a positive thing in the long-run (largely because it will be a good developmenet, just insanely too close to downtown and the University of Georgia campus to generate much interest).

- Well, these darn things caught me a few weeks ago zipping through a red light on Atlanta Highway, so I suppose they're working.

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