Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Couple of things

- Much like the rumors swirling regarding Rep. Paul Broun pondering a run for the U.S. Senate, there's good and bad involved with this.

- I'm not proud to admit it, particularly since I lectured The Wife about our need to cast our ballots on Tuesday, but ... I forgot to vote in the Oconee County SPLOST election. It dawned on me at 7 p.m. last night, so I'm very glad to see that it passed again.

- Funding for the expansion of the Athens-Clarke County Library was removed from a list of prioritized projects by a subcommittee in the Georgia House of Representatives.

- But, Julie Crowe, those parking garages are needed for the employees and visitors to the University of Georgia as well. Plus there already is attractive campus housing, it's just that there's considerable private accommodations that surround them, and until that's addressed, a lot of students are going to flock to live on those environs.

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