From Flagpole's City Dope ...
Politics Is Local, Too: Permanent mayoral candidate Charlie Maddox came by the office last week to invite us to his 2010 campaign kickoff Tuesday, Nov. 3 from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Lyndon House. That’s a little weird, not just because Maddox has basically been running since the day he lost the ’06 race, but also because City Dope recalls a courthouse-steps announcement back in May of this year for the 2010 race. Oh, yeah—almost no one showed up, so that one morphed into a nice chat over coffee, actually, between Maddox, his man Jeff Snowden, City Dope, the ABH’s Blake Aued and the young outsider mayoral candidate Brandon Shinholser, who had shown up at the courthouse. It was, um, weird. Anyway, does the question that lingered after that meeting (and after ’06) still remain? Has Maddox found a message yet?
Well, Brandon Shinholser went after Maddox's platform yesterday, but I am a little confused over this whole kickoff process.
He 'officially' announced with an event in May, but he was already public with his candidacy in April. Now, six months later, we've got a campaign kickoff event.
We're kinda dragging this thing out, aren't we?