Friday, September 11, 2009

Couple of things

- Folks ought to go to the Clarke Central game tonight to honor Billy Henderson.

- Hillary takes exception to my argument that Athens-area progressives ought to back someone against Rep. Paul Broun, and I think her criticism lacks context. By that, I mean that everyone knew that Broun was a far-right Republican who believed, among other things, that Medicare and Social Security were unconstitutional, yet, despite this advance information a lot of progressives still voted for him in 2007. My proposition is, well, area progressives ought to find someone better than that to represent the area. My inclusion of a moderate Republican is merely an example that would more than likely come in the absence of a Democrat challenging Broun. And, again, I haven't had one person challenge my assertion that someone in the mold of, say, a Sen. Susan Collins from Maine would be better for the area, and district, than Broun.

- I'm not sure I'm on board with this editorial. That's not to say that I don't think some of the lack of respect and outright hostility displayed by Southern House Republicans isn't rooted in racial animosity - because, for some, it obviously is - but I'm not sure if reading tea leaves for what Sen. Saxby Chambliss 'really meant' is that useful.

- Dan invents a position in the Oconee County government and then speculates what he'd do.

- The chronology of an unusual debate/discussion on health care, and Tim Bryant confirmed to me this morning they're hoping to find a time to host it. In addition, I was asked if I'd be interested in participating, and I replied 'why not?'