Thursday, September 17, 2009

Couple of things

- Kudos to Wilmont Greene for this idea. It's an awesome one.

- Folks, please, pick up your trash when you tailgate. It ain't rocket science.

- Hmmmm ... I wonder why The Drudge Report didn't sensationalize this story. Apparently, for some right-wing talking heads, it's wrong to have teenagers get into a fight on a school bus, but it's perfectly acceptable for a white male to assault an African-American female reservist in front of her seven-year-old daughter in a crowded parking lot.

- There are surprisingly good things in Sen. Max Baucus's proposed health care reform bill, but the 'free rider' provision ain't one of them.

- Anna Chapman tries to be hip in her criticism of Sen. Jeff Chapman, hence her repeated usage of the word 'dude' in her letter. That said, I don't intend on voting for Chapman seeing how, you know, I vote in Democratic primaries, but I've always liked the guy. I've got a good friend who thinks he's a nut, but I've always been impressed by him.