Monday, September 28, 2009

Couple of things

- Blake sums up some of the tennis center debate, and I'm just not understanding the preference of Southeast Clarke Park. Granted, I think all three of the proposed sites have considerable flaws, but it seems as if this is the place the petitioners least likely want it to go and it's a place that would greatly disrupt existing facilities and result in the revision of future planned expansions.

- One of the best comments regarding my column was 'I realize McGinty wants to hide behind the law, and then give us his opinion.' Um, if it's the law, thus meaning it's legally appropriate, and I'm using the existing law to articulate an opinion, then how is this a rational criticism? I mean, if they law tells you not to steal stuff, and I write a column saying 'we can't steal stuff, so the appropriate alternative is to get an education, find a job and lawfully acquire your property' ... then how is 'hiding behind the law' a bad thing?

- Well this is a shame. The organization fell on some hard times a year or so ago, but I had hoped they had gotten their feet back underneath them.

- It seems like the only security threat Rep. Paul Broun should be concerned with involves kidney stones.

- I'd like to live in a world where I can just not pay my mortgage for, say, two years and then have my bank shave off roughly half of what I owe them.

- Tonight is Family Day Dining Night in Oconee County where you can eat at one of nine area restaurants have a portion of your bill donated to the Oconee Area Resource Council.

- After a forgettable summer, Phil Mickelson closed it out nicely.