Friday, October 30, 2009

Couple of things

- I'm planning on being at Walker's Pub around 9 a.m. or so to do some blogging and work. No liveblogging.

- Granted, my thoughts are a little more hard when it comes to the dealth penalty, but I say he ought to face it.

- Awesome. Perhaps if he had opted for Cream it would have worked out.

- Dan McLagan lost all credibility when he dropped the phrase 'liberal Athens Banner-Herald, but the response from the Handel campaign is lackluster nonetheless. Quite frankly, Secretary of State ought to be a position that is reserved for career officials and not elected ones, but that's not the case. So, at the very least, it makes perfect sense for someone running for another office to simply resign from the board of elections. McLagan is talking in circles in a desperate attempt to find a way to justify the unjustifiable.

- A very nice story on Charlotte Marshall, who is one of the best local historians in town. She's the de facto historian at my church, and I'd strongly encourage folks to take part in her cemetary tours ... they're fascinating.