Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Broun's town hall

Speaking of health care, this diary details the mob rule that governed the day at Rep. Paul Broun's town hall in Augusta ...

Broun began by brandishing a copy of "Obama's Health Care" plan, the "Obamination," contained in three huge binders. He whipped up the crowd to outrage that it was so long. (Too much reading, I guess?) And then, calling it a "stinky, rotten fish," he tossed it, with grand flourish, into a handy trash can. The crowd roared its mindless, angry approval.

He started with the red-meat issues for the crowd, warning that the crowd that their money would be used to slaughter babies through state-funded abortions. He growled about rationing, and cautioned that illegal immigrants would get YOUR portion of health care. He frothingly asserted that people would not be allowed to keep their current health care. He made an offhand acknowledgment that all these things were actually forbidden in the proposed bill, but since govt can't be trusted... The mob ate it up. He then warned of impending euthanasias (for the old white men, he cited the 63-year-old with prostate cancer that would be put down).