Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Couple of things

- Ugh. this sounds more than awful. Thoughts and prayers with their family.

- Nancy Denson sets the record straight on who's to blame for the upcoming property tax hikes.

- I differ with a few folks on this, but I think this is an interesting idea. As long as its not an exclusionary system, like the Lake Oconee Academy fiasco in Greene County, and as long as it doesn't water down the academic components in the school system, I think moving to a community-wide charter system isn't a bad idea at all. It appears some of the checks are in place, so let's see what happens.

- Ah Rep. John Linder ... willfully admitting that deliberately misleading tactics can be a useful political tool aimed at killing popular legislation. Awesome. And, again, we want to negotiate with these guys?