- Furloughing isn't ideal by any means, but it's tough times ... still ... I don't know why everyone is bending over backward to avoid raising student fees. It seems to me that, unlike many other avenues of public service provision, this is an example of a direct service being provided to someone. If there are challenges in finding the funding for it, then those individuals who are actually paying to use said service ought to bear the burden for an increase. Perhaps this isn't a mainstream thought, but if the cost of production for, say, pencils went up, you'd see that cost get passed on to the consumer. Why we don't seem to equate this to funding for our university system baffles me.
- An excellent commentary on how rationing currently exists in our health care system, and how it's determined by wealth.
- This is a good move.
- Blake provides the context of Rep. Paul Broun's 'socialistic elite' comment, and I still say the congressman looks nuts and is fear-mongering.
- In a programming update, I'm tinkering with a new blog that I hope to be able to roll out today or tomorrow. I've got real life interfering with blogging today, but hopefully I can get it done soon enough.