Monday, August 24, 2009

Couple of things

- I think Athens-Clarke County is doing an excellent job of getting ahead of the curve when it comes to reducing its pollution, and I also agree that most of the changes that can make a difference will come from national legislation, not local action plans. All that said ... nonattainment is still nonattainment, isn't it? It would make more sense to do everything you can do not have those days of violation, thus ensuring you're off the list. A proactive plan is a much-needed thing, but if it's proactive and you're still in non-compliance (hypothetically speaking of course), why should the restrictions be easier? Particularly if the goal of the restrictions is to reduce pollution? At the end of the day, shouldn't it come down to what's actually happening and not what you're aiming to have happen?

- Eh. Given that smoking is behind inside all campus buildings, I just am not convinced of the rationale that smoking needs to be completely banned on campus, including in exterior spaces.

- Then again, regarding revenue, if you want to ban it then jack up the fines for doing so and direct that money to the local and state governments.

- Not a bad editorial on water, and I say again ... desalination. I've become fascinated by the idea, albeit a costly one. But why not invest your resources into develop a statewide series of pipelines, reservoirs and the like that funnels water from the Atlantic Ocean to be used by the entire state? It would reduce the need to rely on existing river systems, and put us ahead of the curve on what will be, in the future, a viable means of using and distributing water.

- An informative read on the opposition to many of the proposed road projects in the area, and let me lend my voice to the growing chorus of those opposed to the widening of Simonton Bridge Road. Such a move will literally wipe out large chunks of historic buildings and private property in and near Watkinsville. It's a flat-out awful idea.